Popular Mechanics Magazine 1967 September


Popular Mechanics Magazine 1967 September

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Contents:  Automobiles And Driving – Detroit Listening Post; Drivin’ With Dan; Automobile Clinic; How Fast Is Too Fast?; Memo To VW: Your Competition Is Loaded For Bear; “You Go Your Way, I’ll Go Mine”; What’s With These New Tires?; Saturday Mechanic: How To Cure Power Loss During Acceleration Home And Yard – Homeowners’ Clinic; When It’s The Garage…Or Else; Two Garden Shelters; 3 Unique Ways To Beat The Storage Shortage (Flagged for Filing); Build Your Own Kitchen Cabinets (Flagged for Filing); Clear Facts About Glass; How To Install A Built-In Vacuum System (Flagged for Filing); Solving Home Problems Aerospace, Aviation, Military – Aviation Jetstream; We’re Dogging Charlie’s Tracks With Four-Footed Radar In Vietnam Photography – Bright New Aids For Better Pictures; Simple Test For Shutter Speed Shop And Crafts – New Tools You Should Know About; New Building Products; Clever Remodeling And Building Ideas (Flagged for Filing); Tilt Your Router; Hints From Readers; Build Yourself This Carbon Arc Welder For $5; New Chain Saw Licks Vibration Science And Inventions – Science Worldwide; New Inventions; Lions? Elephants? Hyenas?; Project Gas buggy; Successor To The Queens; World’s Biggest Bench Of Bright Ideas Boating, Outdoor Recreation – Outboard Clinic; What’s New Outdoors; Shotguns: Buying The Right Boom Electronics, Radio And TV – Build This Fine-Furniture Hi-Fi Control Console; Electronic Kinks Regular Features – Letters

Issue:  September 1967

Condition:  Very Good