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Popular Mechanics Magazine 1953 November


Popular Mechanics Magazine 1953 February


Contents:  Who Says Animals Are Dumb?; Fortunes In Toy Ideas; Star Hunting By Radio; The Owners Report On The Nash; Helicopter Tug To Launch Planes; Prospectors In Parkas Chart Canada’s Oil; Rice By The Square Mile; Bullets Strictly For Bull’s-Eyes; Smoke-Eaters With Sea Legs; Moosehide Canoe; Logging Booms In The Guianas; Radio, TV And Electronics For The Craftsman – Period Tables Feature “Plastic Inlay” Tops; The Job’s Half Done With Steel Legs; New Life For Old Books; Christmas Toys; Make Wooden Threads On Your Drill Press; Novelties In Bent Metal; Holding Work With Clamps And Wedges; Heavy Duty Drill Press From Auto Parts; Clinic For Homemakers Automotive Aviation – Airlines Offer Mobile And Drive-In Ticket Offices; Fighter Packs 104-Rocket “Sunday Punch” In Wing-Tip Pods; B-36s Fly Combat Planes To And From “Work”; Fire-Sensitive Cable Developed For Airplane Protection; Landing-Speed Indicator; Rocket-Powered Guided Missel Exceeds 2600 Miles Per Hour; Transport “Swallows: Fighter Shorn Only Of Its Wings Chemistry – Chemical Stops Mold; Gamma Rays Used For Food Preservation Also Destroy Vitamins; Radioactive Magnesium Aids Chlorophyll Study; Antirust Fluid In Oil Tank Stops Leaks For Three Years Construction – Buckle-On Stilts Aid Home Construction Workers; Metal Sheets “Buttoned” Together Without Rivets Or Bolts; Pipe Lines Laid To Depth Of 243 Feet Under Straits Of Mackinac; “Hot Gun” Porcelainizes Surfaces Of Bridges And Buildings; 200-Pound Falling Weight Drives Posts Into Ground Farming – Meter Tells Farmers When To Irrigate Crops; Table-Model “Brain” Solves Barn Problem; Tractor Shuts Itself Off If Operator Falls; Portable Grain Conveyor Simply Shoves Into Bin: Chicken Sex Determiner House And Home – Electric Drainboard Dries Dishes Rapidly; Individual Ventilator Replaces Glass Block; Silicone-Water Mixture Seals Masonry Walls; Inland Sink; Folding Wardrobe Rack; “Cold Light”; Hot-Roll Cutter; Midrange Griddle; Combination Ladder; Wall Cabinet; Wheeled Snow Shovel; Automatic Baffle Lessens Heat Loss Medicine – “Daylight” Machine Makes X-Ray Prints Available In Minute Military And Naval – Britain Demonstrates “Sombrero” Flame Thrower; Heartbeats Relayed From Jet To Ground; “Jammer” Sends Messages While Interfering With Enemy Reception; Britain’s Sarah Uses Television To Rescue Downed Airmen Novelties – Folks Around The Office; Robot Song Master Stimulates Sunday-School Singing; High-Riding Cyclist Runs Perilous Course; Tiny Carnival Operates Inside A Five-Gallon Hat Office, Shop And Store –

Issue:  November 1953

Condition:  Very Good