Family Handyman Magazine 1969 June


Family Handyman Magazine 1969 June

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Contents:  Special Features – How To Water Without Tears (Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a sprinkler system that watered your lawn automatically at whatever time you chose for as long as you wanted it to run instead of turning the water on and off while you move the sprinkler all over the lawn? Well, it doesn’t have to be a dream. Here are the facts on how to install your own clock-regulated, automatic sprinkler system which will rid you the chore of watering your lawn by hand); Plywood, The Build-Everything Material (If you are planning to make your own cabinets, built-ins or furniture, you’ll find the information in this article invaluable. It tells you about the different types of softwood and hardwood plywood and what they are best used for and gives you all sorts of helpful information on construction techniques such as when to use different kinds of joints and how to hide the edges. Also includes facts on plywood sizes and even provides details on the lengths of nails and screws to be used with different thicknesses of plywood) Make Your Fence A Storage Wall (Where to store garden equipment is often a problem for the homeowner. Here’s a clever idea that converts parts of an existing fence into the space you need for all your garden and outdoor equipment); How To Make Your Mower Purr Happily (If you want to use your lawn mower all summer without trouble, here’s some really useful information that covers all points of maintenance you should know about); Put A Wasted Alcove To Work (What house ever has enough storage space? If you have an empty alcove in your home, put it to work by building a decorative and useful closet in it. It’s easy to build, just follow the simple plans); Little Electric Gadgets That Make Life Easier (It’s surprising how many inexpensive switches, sockets and other electrical gadgets you can find in a hardware store which will make life safer or more convenient for the homeowner. Installation is very simple, as you’ll discover from reading this article); Looking For Trouble, Part II (Conclusion of a two-part article on post-winter maintenance of your home. Inspection and repair of concrete foundations, screens, outside doors, flagstone walks and blacktop driveways) Departments – New Products For Old Problems; Garden Q & A; Ask Handyman Q & A; Editors’ Tests; Shop Talk With The Publisher; Frauds You Should Know About; Appliance Repairs; Nuts And Dolts; Booklets You Should Know About; Tips You Should Know About; Market Place; What It’s Called And Where To Buy It; Index To Six Previous Issues

Issue:  June 1969

Condition:  Very Good