Family Handyman Magazine 1969 April


Family Handyman Magazine 1969 April

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Contents:  Special Features – Guide To Riding Mowers And Tractors (A complete and thorough treatment of this subject which gives you full-details of important features of 34 models of riding mowers. Tells you what to look for when you go out to buy and what you should know about accessories. A huge chart sums up the information in the article); Sanders For That Smooth Finishing Touch (Did you know that besides their main job of smoothing wood, finishing sanders can be used to polish marble and grind glass edges and even give you a massage? You will find a host of interesting and useful facts in this story); Family Room Activity Center (This issue’s cover story features an easy-to-make activity corner in your family room which includes wall and base cabinets and an interesting counter you can use as a snack bar, children’s play table or office-at-home); Looking For Trouble (Well, winter is gone but the damage it may have done to your home is still around. So check your roof shingles, downspouts and masonry for trouble. If you do find any damage, here are some useful ways of effecting repairs); How To Use A Ladder – And Survive (we’ve got the answers to lots of questions ladder safety. How far from the base of a wall should the bottom of the ladder be placed? How do you prevent side slipping? Learn the facts and be safe next time you’re up on a ladder) Departments – New Products For Old Problems; Shop Talk With The Publisher; Garden Q & A; Nuts And Bolts; Frauds You Should Know About; Editors’ Tests; Booklets You Should Know About; Appliance Repair; Ask Handyman Q & A; What It’s Called And Where To Buy It; Market Place; Index To Six Previous Issues

Issue:  April 1969

Condition:  Very Good