Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 August


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2000 August

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Contents:  From Boston To A Bow Stand (To learn the truth about mankind’s oldest instinct, Tracy had to ignore the bigotry many city-dwellers have toward hunters. Armed with an open mind, she found a new world); A Classic Pre-Rut Rub-Line Hunt (The author has had hundreds of memorable rub-line experiences over the years. While he cherishes them all, some are more special than others. Here, he relives a textbook example of a rub-line hunt, and how it led him to a massive white-tailed buck); By First Bow-Kill (Our Northern field editor recalls a buck he killed 23 years ago – his first with a bow and arrow. In the years since, he’s killed bigger bucks, but this hunt still ranks as one of his most memorable); Broadhead Wars: How Are Expandables Holding Up? (Are expandable broadheads tough enough for deer hunting? Our managing editor examines the facts and fallacies of mechanical broadhead performance); Can Bow-Hunting Manage Today’s Deer Herds? (Bow-hunting has never been more popular and whitetail herds have never been larger. Bow-hunting owes much of its growth to large deer herds, but can archers do enough to keep herds in check? Our editor probes for answers); The Amazing Deer Antler (The growth and death of deer antlers have amazed hunters for centuries. Learn more about these mysterious structures in a colorful seven-page pictorial, the first article in a two-part series on the whitetail’s antlers); Deer Research: The Old, Dry Doe: Fact Or Fantasy? (Some hunters claim they kill old “dry” does that are too aged to product fawns. How common is the dry doe phenomenon in the wild? Join our research editor as he discusses the reproductive life of aging deer); Deer Behavior: Can We Learn From Penned Deer? (Studying captive whitetails can reveal insights to make you a better bow- and gun-hunter. Learn how hunters, researchers and industry leaders have used penned-deer observations to improve their understanding of whitetails); Southeast Deer Study Group Report – Are Deer Neglected By Today’s Forest Management? (Various intensity levels of forest management are affecting whitetails – and not always for the good. Can whitetails coexist with today’s evolving land-use plans? Learn how some current forest-management methods affect whitetails); Deer Browse – Road-Killed Doe Carried Five Well-Developed Fetuses (Learn how one car-deer accident killed six whitetails near Battle Creek, Michigan…in March 2000); Savoring The Poison Glands (Have you ever tossed tenderloins into the hamburger grinder? If so, you’re missing out on nature’s finest and tastiest cut of meat) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Can You Outsmart This Deer?; Ted Nugent’s Spirit Of The Wild; Candid Whitetails; Rue’s Views; Issues & Answers; New Gear For 2000; Hunter’s Library; Hunter’s Closet

Issue:  August 2000

Condition:  Very Good