Military History Magazine 1992 June


Military History Magazine 1992 June

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Contents:  Espionage (George Washington understood the value of gaining information – and of giving his enemies the wrong information.), Personality (One of Napoleon’s oldest friends went down in history as his most infamous betrayer.), Weaponry (The Romans developed a means of taking their expertise in land warfare out to sea.), Books (“Gentlemen, do not read each other’s mail,” Henry L. Stimson said in the 1920’s. But spies do.), Travel (The castles of South Wales contain much history within their walls – and in the walls themselves.), Supply Route at Risk (As sheets of Chinese gunfire drove the vanguard of L. Col. Douglas B. Drysdale’s relief column to ground, a cry went up:” Grenade” Private First Class William Baugh threw himself on top of it.), Reds Versus Whites (In a scene more reminiscent of 1815 than 1920, White Russian cavalrymen charged, sabers drawn, at the Hungarian Communist Bela Kun Regiment, awaiting them in square formation.), Command Shift Dictated (Severely wounded at Chancellorsville, Stonewall Jackson could offer scant advice to the cavalier who took over his command: “Say to General Stuart he must do what he thinks best.”), No Mile Runs Here (Moments after the B-17s bombs fell, the ball-turret gunner yelled: “Hey, skipper, there’s a B-24 under us and the rear end just folded up…we’re over a bunch of B-24s. They are all over the place!”), Duke’s Oath Defied (For one afternoon, the fate of Rennes – and perhaps the future of France – seemed to center around a single combat, as an English nobleman and a Breton warlord faced each other in the town square of Dinan.)

Issue:  June 1992

Condition:  Very Good