Military History Magazine 1987 June


Military History Magazine 1987 June

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Contents:  Editorial, Espionage (Southern sympathizer Rose Greenhow was remarkably blatant in her spying.), Personality (The Ultimate Infantryman was the sharpshooter from the Tennessee hills who met – and fought – the Hun in the Argonne.), Weaponry (Fort Pulaski appeared impregnable – until Union gunners opened up with rifled cannons.), Travel (Lovely Evesham in the English Cotswolds once was the scene of historic strife in the Barons’ War.), Books (The ill-equipped and poorly trained Army units that foundered against the Chinese in Korea may have enabled the Marines to escape Chosin intact.), Hammering Havana’s Walls (Not all in England expected that Admiral Pocock’s powerful fleet could subdue fortified Havana…and not all really wanted such a victory over the Spanish.), Shocking Triumph at Sea (In the greatest naval battle since Trafalgar, the slow Russian warships floundered badly, but their gunners found a mark among the Japanese ships besieging them in Tsushima Strait. The Japanese, however, did not flounder.), Not Men But Devils (At a ruined hacienda in Mexico, a handful of Foreign Legionnaires wrote a hallowed page in military history as they faced a relentless enemy force 50 times their number.), Final Island Assault (As the final land campaign of the Pacific War, Okinawa took 82 days to conquer – seemingly a bloody prelude to the anticipated invasion of Japan itself.)

Issue:  June 1987

Condition:  Very Good