Military History Magazine 1985 April


Military History Magazine 1985 April

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Contents:  Espionage (In neutral America, German saboteurs left a trail of violence and double-dealing.), Personality (After Washington at Yorktown, the next adversary for Cornwallis was the Tippoo Sultan.), Weaponry (Legend and myth fall short of the vaunted longbow’s real saga as a weapon of war.), Travel (The paths of twin military prodigies finally crossed on the heights of Quebec in 15-minute confrontation that decided the fate of a nation.), Books (In his latest oral history, Studs Terkel turns to the “Good War” as GI Joe and folks at home tell their stories.), Minuet with Musket and Cannon (In 18th-century Flanders, with a French king and courtiers looking on, courtesy came before hostility. But then the battle began, politeness forgotten in the cannon’s roar.), No Advance Beyond Chosen (Kill those “snakes” the Red Chinese general told his commanders, and when the U.S. Marines appeared at Chosin Reservoir in North Korea, the Chinese indeed began to ply their scythe. What they struck was unexpected hard rock.), Sana Ana’s Signal (For long minutes, not only his soldiers, but also Mexican General Santa Ana himself awaited an unknown signal. When finally it came, they swarmed to the attack against the old adobe mission – the Alamo.), Low as We Could Go (For the raid on Ploesti, U.S. strategists planned a daring, low-level mission in broad daylight – with hopes that destruction of the Romanian oil complex could end the war by Christmas of 1943.)

Issue:  April 1985

Condition:  Very Good