Military Heritage Magazine 2014 January


Military Heritage Magazine 2014 January

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Contents:  Hannibal’s Cunning Ambush (Carthaginian Commander Hannibal Barca led his army to the hills along Lake Trasimene in June 217 BC. The Romans marched unwittingly into his trap); A Deplorable Affair (Confederate Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest attacked Fort Pillow in April 1864 to gain badly needed supplies for his army. The Union called the battle a massacre); Storm Of Arrows (Medieval archers ushered in a new era of missile warfare that ended the dominance of heavy cavalry); Bloody Clash On The Lomba (The Cuito Cuanavale/Lomba River campaign in 1987-1988 was the final act in a decade-long conflict between communist Angola and Apartheid South Africa); ‘Tis To Glory We Steer (British Rear Admiral Sir Edward Hawke made a bold gamble to smash a French fleet during the Seven Years’ War. Quiberon Bay, fought November 20, 1759, was yet another victory for the gifted captain) Columns – Editorial; Soldiers; Weapons; Intelligence; Books; Games

Issue:  January 2014

Condition:  Very Good