Ford Mustang Hardtop Ad November 1965


Ford Mustang Hardtop Ad from October 29, 1965 Life magazine & November 30, 1965 Look magazine.

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Ford Mustang Hardtop Ad November 1965Ford Mustang Hardtop – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that asks the question about who should be allowed to drive this car. At the top of the ad is a small photo of a gray-haired business man in a blue suit, holding a newspaper under his arm and pulling his glasses down so he can see what he is trying to look at. The ad headline asks “Should a man in his 50’s be allowed out in a Mustang?” At the bottom of the ad is a larger picture of this same man, dressed in casual clothes, with a big smile on his face as he prepares to drive away in his Light Blue Mustang Hardtop.

Source:  October 29, 1965 Life magazine & November 30, 1965 Look magazine.