Ford Thunderbird Ad May 1960


Ford Thunderbird Ad from May 1960 Holiday.

2 in stock


Ford Thunderbird – Full color 20″ x 13 1/2″ two-page ad for the fact that “A Thunderbird is a promise…”. The headline continues with a handful of qualities that only a good car can provide. The car pictured is a Red Thunderbird parked on shore as a rowboat has left an anchored schooner and a man is coming toward a waving woman. The text goes through the steps of experiencing a Thunderbird. First open the door while viewing what is inside. Then you step in and get a close look at all that comes with this car. Then you drive it. It mentions a few of the options but, whatever you choose, the ride and performance will be amazing.  These are two scanned views of a two-page ad. The actual top and outside of the pages are not visible in the scanned view so that the center, where the pages meet, can be completely seen.

Source:  May 1960 Holiday.

Ford Thunderbird Ad May 1960 1Ford Thunderbird Ad May 1960