Sports Illustrated 1974 July 1


Sports Illustrated 1974 July 1

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Contents:  Hitters Of Singular Skill (Getting to first base is the real goal of baseball’s splendid throwbacks, whose leader is Rod (.400 this year?) Carew); Hello There, Mr. Malone, What’s New? (Moses Malone, the much-wooed basketball prospect, gets a scholarship, a job – and a Chrysler Imperial); Setting The Stage For A Showdown (Continents apart, middle-distance runners Rick Wohlhuter and Filbert Bayi prepare for a record-breaking summer); Hard Sell For Some Hard Knocks (Jerry Quarry sold a lot of people on the notion that he was a changed man, but Joe Frazier didn’t buy); Each Round You Are One Day Older (Arnold Palmer reflects on where he’s been and where he’s going – and what age has done to his game); The Cup That Grips The World (To the better part of the globe, soccer’s World Cup is merely a matter or life or death); A False Spring (The bonus pitcher dreams of major league glory – and soon encounters grim minor league reality) The Departments – Scorecard; People; Baseball; Golf; Rowing; Horse Racing; For The Record; 19th Hole

Cover:  Minnesota’s Rod Carew

Condition:  Very Good