Pan American Ad August 1960


Pan American Ad from August 29, 1960 Life magazine.

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Pan American Ad August 1960Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Jet Flights to Europe and Back. The ad has a picture of the tail of a Pan Am Jet standing tall with the American flag affixed to it and the headline claiming flights “As low as $298 to Europe and back by Pan Am Jet with the assurances that “…you’re in U.S. hands all the way!”. There is also a chart that gives “Typical new 17-Day Round-Trip Jet Economy Excursion Fares” for flights from Boston-Shannon, New York-London, Balt./Wash.-Paris, Detroit-London, Chicago-London and West Coast-London.

Source:  August 29, 1960 Life magazine.