Vagabond Trailer Ad 1949


Vagabond Trailer Ad from February 1949 Holiday.

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Vagabond Trailer Ad 1949Black and white 4 3/4″ x 13″ ad for the fact that this brand provides Leadership when it comes to everything in a trailer. There is a picture of a car with a 1949 Vagabond hitched behind it parked next to a green on a golf course and the couple in the car are watching a couple trying to putt out under the headline that tells you to “Look to Vagabond for Leadership”. The text talks about “Leadership in comfort and styling” while showing a picture of a double bed from one of their models, about “Leadership in quality construction” as it illustrates the design and about “Leadership in efficiency” as it shows a picture of one of their kitchens.

Source:  February 1949 Holiday.