Klompen Kloggen Pipe Tobacco Ad 1965


Klompen Kloggen Pipe Tobacco Ad from December 1965 Playboy.

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Klompen Kloggen Pipe Tobacco Ad 1965Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their Pipe Tobacco. There is a picture of an attractive woman staring into the eyes of the reader with a deep look and her parted lips colored rose red. The headline has her pleading, “Please…may I sniff your Klompen Kluggen?” and there is a picture of the package this product comes in. The text tells us that this product is made from a blend of the finest tobaccos which gives it it’s distinctive flavor and aroma. It warns us that the way the aroma works on a woman to the way her perfume works on a man.

Source:  December 1965 Playboy.