Tareyton Ad July 1964


Tareyton Ad from July 17, 1964 & August 14, 1964 Life magazine.

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Tareyton Ad July 1964Full color 9 1/4″ x 12″ ad for the cigarette with the Activated Charcoal Filter. The ad has a photo of a police officer in uniform, smiling as his lips purse on his Tareyton cigarette. His left eye is blackened and the statement “Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch!” stands proud on the ad. You are urged to “Join the Unswitchables. Get the charcoal filter with the taste worth fighting for”. Other items brought to attention in the ad are the fact that “There’s a difference you can see in the filter” and the fact that “It makes a difference you can taste in the smoke”.

Source:  July 17, 1964 & August 14, 1964 Life magazine.