Tareyton Ad March 1960


Tareyton Ad from March 21, 1960 Life magazine.

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Tareyton Ad March 1960Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that tells us how the Tareyton cigarettes “Dual filter does it!”. In the picture of an evening party attended by people who are dressed in suits and fancy dresses the two people at the front of the ad are smoking Tareyton cigarettes. The man has his cigarette lit and the woman is holding the two fingers out on her right hand in the signal that was popular at that time. The ad says that it “Filters as no single filter can…for mild, full flavor! Tareyton’s remarkable Dual Filter delivers more than high filtration. It brings out the best of the best tobaccos…the mildness and fine tobacco taste that pay off in pleasure. Pick up a Tareyton pack or carton – you’ll see”. There is a bit that shows how the “Dual Filter does it”, a bit that shows how they managed to put two filters into the space of one.

Source:  March 21, 1960 Life magazine.