Salem Cigarette Ad July 1968


Salem Cigarette Ad from July 1968 Playboy.

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Salem Cigarette Ad July 1968Full color 8″ x 11″ ad for Salem Menthol Fresh Premium Length Cigarettes. The ad has a photo of a couple enjoying the afternoon as the man holds the cigarette lighter up to his date’s cigarette as she is leaning back on a tree that is growing at a 45 degree angle. The ad should have a picture of a pack of Salem cigarettes to the left of the man but it is not there, just the words “You can take Salem out of the country but…”. This pack appears just below this picture with the words “you can’t take the “country” out of Salem Super King. It then says that “Wherever, whenever you light up – Salem Super King gently air-softens every puff for a taste that’s country soft, country fresh. Take a puff…it’s springtime!”. It then says to “Try the one menthol taste worth making longer!”

Source:  July 1968 Playboy.