Pall Mall Ad 1969


Pall Mall Ad from January 24, 1969 Life magazine.

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Pall Mall Ad 1969Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Famous Cigarettes. This ad, like another one on this page only in color, shows a woman reclining on the ground with her legs stretched out to the side, holding an oversized pack of Pall Mall. The headline makes the statement that Pall Mall Gold 100’s now lower in ‘tar’ than the best-selling filter king!”. It then asks “Who said so?” and replies to its own question by saying that these are “The latest U.S. Government figures.” A sample at the bottom of the ad explains their claim of being better at both ends by saying that the end with the tobacco is tastier and the end with the filter is Milder.

Source:  January 24, 1969 Life magazine.