Pall Mall Ad February 1964


Pall Mall Ad from February 21, 1964 Life magazine & February 25, 1964 Look magazine.

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Pall Mall Ad February 1964Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that is for the Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes. This ad has a drawing of a cigarette at the top of the ad with the words “Over, Under, Around and Through” spiraling around the cigarette. Beneath this the words Pall Mall travels pleasure to you!” stands proudly. There is a drawing of a pack of these cigarettes with about four or five cigarettes pulled out of the pack and the words “You can light either end!” next to them. The text of the ad is that Pall Mall’s natural mildness is so friendly to your taste!”. See for yourself! Pall Mall’s famous length travels the smoke naturally – over, under, around and through the finest tobaccos money can buy. Makes it mild, but does not filter out that satisfying flavor, so friendly to your taste. Buy Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes. Outstanding – and they are MILD!”.

Source:  February 21, 1964 Life magazine & February 25, 1964 Look magazine.