Marlboro Ad July 1966


Marlboro Ad from July 2, 1966 Saturday Evening Post & June 24, 1966 Life magazine.

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Marlboro Ad July 1966Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad with another message about how if real men like Cowboys prefer Marlboro then why don’t you. There is a close-up photo of a man wearing a white cowboy hat and standing in front of a fence that is holding a length of rope and a saddle puffing contentedly on his Marlboro. The headline has those famous words, “Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country.” and there is a set of small letters that tells you that “You get a lot to like with a Marlboro – filter, flavor, pack or box”.

Source:  July 2, 1966 Saturday Evening Post & June 24, 1966 Life magazine.