Frigidaire Electric Range Ad 1952


Frigidaire Electric Range Ad from September 1952 McCall’s.

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Frigidaire Electric Range Ad 1952Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Electric Ranges. The top part of the ad is devoted to the Wonder Range which, according to the headline, “…bakes, it broils…in the same oven…all at the same time!”. Different pictures show that with both racks in it will broil a steak in the top oven and bake a cake in the bottom or by removing the top rack you can cook a turkey big enough to feed the neighborhood. The bottom part of the ad shows the Thrifty-30 oven which is “low in price but what a big, big oven!”. The text talks about the features and abilities of this oven and urges you to “Take just a few minutes to learn about the complete line of Frigidaire Electric Ranges – and other household appliances”.

Source:  September 1952 McCall’s.