Camel Cigarettes Ad 1936


Camel Cigarettes Ad from March 9, 1936 Lansing State Journal.

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Camel Cigarettes Ad 1936Black and white 11 3/4″ x 9 1/2″ ad that encourages you to smoke Camels to help your Digestion. The ad has several pictures of different situations in Life and the informative headline says that “Modern Life is a strain on DIGESTION – For Digestion’s Sake – smoke Camels. The largest picture shows several tables filled with diners at the beautiful Trianon Room at the Ambassador in New York and it is generally agreed that most of the patrons “from all over the country” prefer Camel. There is another picture of a group of frenzied people shoving their way into a department store and the caption offers the advice to smoke Camel so your stomach will be less affected by the stress. The next picture shows the Arctic exploring boat, the Morrissey, and offers a quote from its leader, H. McCracken who claims they all smoked Camels “at every meal and after (to) help digestion”. Last there is a picture of figure skater Betty Chase who claims that Camels make food taste better and help digestion along.”

Source:  March 9, 1936 Lansing State Journal.