Johnson Snowmobile Ad 1966


Johnson Snowmobile Ad from December 16, 1966 Life magazine & December 27, 1966 Look magazine.

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Johnson Snowmobile Ad 1966Full color 10″ x 13″ ad for Johnson Skee-Horse brand of snowmobiles. The ad mentions the Skee-Horse 18 and a 14-hp engine as well as talking about some of the features on this item. There are two photos on the top of the ad, the one on the left is a mountain scene during the summer and the right, larger photo is the same area after the snow has fallen and a couple are riding their Skee-Horse and Johnson Cutter (which was a 2 passenger fiberglass sleigh that hooked to the back of a snowmobile) at a slow speed so they can enjoy the view. The caption for these two pictures taunts “Now – come back for the winterview”.

Source:  December 16, 1966 Life magazine & December 27, 1966 Look magazine.