Fels-Naptha Ad 1953


Fels-Naptha Ad from August 1953 Good Housekeeping.

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Fels-Naptha Ad 1953Three color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their Natural Golden Soap with Clean-Smelling Naptha. There is a picture of an upright box with this powder somehow pouring out of it and the caption promises that it’s Not Dyed and Not Perfumed. The ad text reminds us that “Clean Clothes smell sweet” and claims that “for really clean clothes, you can’t beat this new wonder-working combination of GOLDEN soap and gentle naptha in Instant Fels-Naptha. It also promises to banish Tattle-Tale Detergent Gray.

Source:  August 1953 Good Housekeeping.