Palmolive Soap Ad 1944


Palmolive Soap Ad from January 17, 1944 Life magazine.

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Palmolive Soap Ad 1944Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Soap designed to improve your complexion. The ad headline claims that “Doctors Prove 2 out of 3 Women can have More Beautiful Skin in 14 Days”. The ad has a series of pictures that tell a story. In the first picture our lady is one of 1284 women who participated in a test and she is talking to a skin doctor. In the next picture she is following their advice and cleansing her skin the Palmolive Way. In the third picture she is reexamined by the skin doctor after 14 days who confirmed what she felt, that her skin was fresher. There is a larger picture that is the real result of the story, she is having to fight off handsome soldiers. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  January 17, 1944 Life magazine.