Lifebuoy Ad 1934


Lifebuoy Ad from July 1934 Better Homes & Gardens.

1 in stock


Lifebuoy Ad 1934Black and white 7 1/2″ x 11 1/4″ ad that tells us about the difference Rinso Laundry Detergent can make for you and Lifebuoy Health Soap can make on your relationships. The ad has a story told in eight-frames that are entitled “Gossip at a Summer Hotel” and tells the story about an engaged couple who seem to be somewhat cold to each other. The woman asks the man to go into town and buy himself some Lifebuoy soap since he seems to be afflicted with B.O. He does and their relationship starts taking off again. The portion of the ad entitled “Even her Husband Noticed it…” is about when one woman is talking to her neighbor who is ready to pull her already-dry laundry off of the clothesline. The lady whose laundry is just going up to be dried asks the other how she can already have had her laundry scrubbed and boiled and her neighbor answers that with Rinso she only needs to soak.

Source:  July 1934 Better Homes & Gardens.