Oldsmobile Ad 1922


Oldsmobile Ad from May 1922 Successful Farming.

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Oldsmobile Ad 1922Oldsmobile Five Passenger Touring Model 43-A – Three color 7 1/2″ x 10 3/4″ ad with a drawing of the Five Passenger Touring Model 43-A for $1145 and information about the other models. The headline calls attention to this year being its “24th Year” and asks you to use your own common sense to decide which car is best for you. It asks you to consider the fact that these cars are powerful while being light of weight and having thoroughly proven strength and endurance. It talks about the rough roads and steep hills it will handle while standing up to the hardest service you can imagine. At the bottom it gives information on the three models available that year. The Model 46 which was an 8-cylinder with a 122 inch wheelbase came in the Sedan for $2635, the 7-Passenger Touring for $1735, the 6-Passenger Touring for $1850 and the 4 Passenger Pacemaker for $1735. The Model 47 which came with an 8 Cylinder with a 115 inch wheelbase came in a Coupe for $2145, a Sedan for $2295, a 4 Passenger Touring for $1595, a 5 Passenger Touring for $1595 and a 4 Passenger Super-Sport for $1825. The Model 43A had a 4 Cylinder with 115 inch wheelbase came in a Coupe for $1645, a Sedan for $1795, a 5 Passenger Touring for $1145, a Roadster for $1145 and a 4 Passenger Semi-Sport for $1265.

Source:  May 1922 Successful Farming.