Hires Root Beer Ad 1944


Hires Root Beer Ad from February 28, 1944 Life magazine.

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Hires Root Beer Ad 1944Black and white 5″ x 13″ ad for their Root Beer with tang. The ad has a picture of an opened bottle of Hires Root Beer that is still full and standing next to a glass that has been filled with Hires Root Beer. I don’t think the company was promising that you would get this much value for your money but they did promise that you would get “The TASTE that is pleasing. The TANG that’s refreshing”. The ad also mentions the It’s Heidt Time for Hires radio show on Monday nights on the Blue Network. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  February 28, 1944 Life magazine.