Heublein Cocktails Ad June 1963


Heublein Cocktails Ad from June 7, 1963 Life magazine.

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Heublein Cocktails Ad June 1963Full color 9″ x 13″ ad for their variety of Cocktails in a Bottle. On a white table where an umbrella has been drawn with the face of a smiling man and the words “Forecast: pouring” sit five assorted glasses that contain an Extra Dry Martini that is being poured complete from the bottle, a Whiskey Sour, a Manhattan, a Daiquiri and an Old Fashioned, all poured straight from the bottle. The headline assures us that we will get “Delicious cocktails every time right from the Heublein bottle” and that there are actually eleven kinds to choose from. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  June 7, 1963 Life magazine.