Ballantine Scotch Whisky Ad June 1970


Ballantine Scotch Whisky Ad from June 1970 Playboy.

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Ballantine Scotch Whisky Ad June 1970Brown and white 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad that gives an explanation about why drinkers of Ballantine’s are so Loyal. There is a picture of a couple who seem to have just gotten married and they are posing with the man in a chair and the woman standing by his side in a wedding dress with a mini-skirt. The caption has the man saying “I think we should always stay with Ballantine’s Scotch, don’t you?” and she answers with a simple “I do.” The rest of the text promises that “The more you know about Scotch, the more loyal you are to Ballantine’s.

Source:  June 1970 Playboy.