Bacardi Rum Ad 1969


Bacardi Rum Ad from January 1969 Playboy.

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Bacardi Rum Ad 1969Full color 8″ x 11″ ad that reminds you that you can have a Bacardi party!” with two different bottles, Bacardi Superior Light Dry and Bacardi Superior Dark Dry. The ad has a photo of these two bottles and glasses of products that are mixed with pop that has their bottle cap attached to the glass. They have Pepsi, 7-Up, Coca-Cola and a few others that I am not sure what they are but there are nine of them. The ad calls them Bacardi rum * the mixable one” and they tell you how to send away for a free Bacardi Party Kit that tells you how to use Light Bacardi for subtle flavor and Dark Bacardi for more flavor.

Source:  January 1969 Playboy.