Schlitz Ad October 1962


Schlitz Ad from October 26, 1962 Life magazine.

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Schlitz Ad October 1962Full color 10″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for Schlitz Beer. This ad has a picture that shows a man, who is blessed with a full head of red hair, drinking from a glass nearly full of Schlitz Beer. He is at a party and he is surrounded by people talking and laughint and having a good time. They may be having a good time but no one seems to be having as good a time as this man is, from the look on his face. Below this picture is a two-line statement asking “Do redheads have more fun? When they’re drinking Schlitz they do”. Plastered across the bottom of the ad is the statement saying “real gusto in a great light beer. The Beer that made Milwaukee Famous…simply because it tastes so good. Schlitz.

Source:  October 26, 1962 Life magazine.