Budweiser Ad October 1948


Budweiser Ad from October 18, 1948 Life magazine.

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Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad has a drawing showing a snowy day as a train has pulled to a stop and the people are getting off the train and walking up to a store next to the tracks and purchasing what looks like food from a man under a sign that says Fred Harvey. The headline says that “He made the Frontier a Good place to Eat” and the text continues on with the story. “On time or late, travelers in the ’70s could count upon one thing with absolute certainty. Their meals along the way would be the worst imaginable, In 1876, young Fred Harvey opened his first restaurant in Topeka and astounded patrons with tempting dishes excellently cooked and superbly served. Soon Harvey hotels and restaurants followed Santa Fe rail across half a continent. Then came the dining car making train passengers in America the best fed on Earth. In that same year of 1876, Budweiser came into being and quickly took its rightful place beside the best that cooking skill had to offer. As yesterday, so today, every sip tells you why it is something more than beer – a tradition in hospitality”.

Source:  October 18, 1948 Life magazine.