Liberty Mutual Insurance Ad 1937


Liberty Mutual Insurance Ad from May 17, 1937 Life magazine.

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Liberty Mutual Insurance Ad 1937Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. This ad has a photo of a woman and a man driving in a convertible with the top down. The woman is in the driver’s seat and she is extending her arm as though she is giving a turn signal. The ad headline says that “You can earn a saving on Automobile Insurance…by driving carefully”. It then says that “More than 140,000 responsible people are saving a substantial part of the cost of their Automobile Insurance by qualifying for membership in the Liberty Mutual Careful Driver Plan. They save money because Liberty Mutual will not insure reckless, irresponsible car-owners. Only about one out of every five car-owners can qualify for this preferred insurance, under our strict but fair membership rules, but those who do have made very substantial savings. There are three reasons why Liberty Mutual can provide preferred protection at lower cost. 1) Fewer Accidents, 2) Lower Expenses & 3) Cash Dividends”. The ad gives explanations as to these reasons and there is a “Send For Free Booklet” coupon that can be filled out and sent.

Source:  May 17, 1937 Life magazine.