John Falter Art Pall Mall Cigarettes Ad March 1941


John Falter Art Pall Mall Cigarettes Ad from March 24, 1941 Life magazine.

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John Falter Art Pall Mall Cigarettes Ad March 1941Full color 9″ x 12″ ad that tries to draw attention to this product by using items that were becoming very important. This ad, with a drawing by John Falter, shows two Army officers sitting in the back of a Staff Car that is being driven by a third soldier. The one officer is holding up two cigarettes of different lengths and showing his fellow officer and explaining “Streamlined smoking! – a basic new design, Colonel!”. The text mentions that Pall Mall was “a cigarette deliberately designed for better smoking”. It talks the fact that they are “over 20 per cent longer than the old-style cigarette. And this additional length is important”. It also talks too about Bulking which, by some methods, it attributes to a better taste for this product).

Source:  March 24, 1941 Life magazine.