Chevrolet Nomad Station Wagon Ad April 1959


Chevrolet Nomad Station Wagon Ad from April 1959 National Geographic.

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Chevrolet Nomad Station Wagon Ad April 1959Chevrolet Nomad 4-Door Station Wagon – Full color 6 1/4″ x 10″ ad for many different things a Chevrolet Station Wagon can be for you. The ad has a picture of a Copper colored Nomad Wagon parked in a driveway with the back end filled up with plants, shrubs and flowers that the family is unloading and preparing to plant. The ad headline calls it the “Handiest helper a family ever had…’59 Chevy!” and the text talks about hauling kids, stowing a half-ton of gear and using it as sleeping quarters on a camping trip.

Source:  April 1959 National Geographic.