Chevrolet Ad August 1955


Chevrolet Ad from August 15, 1955 Life magazine.

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Chevrolet Ad August 1955Chevrolets – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the cars available this year. The ad has a picture of a crowded highway with more than it’s share of ’55 Chevys to be seen. In the foreground is a Blue Sedan with a white top and, driving the other way is a Red and White Convertible with the top down. The front seat passenger in the convertible is standing up and waving across the highway at a police officer who is standing beside his ’55 Chevy police car. The ad headline claims of this car that “It’s making ’55 Famous – For Fun!” and that “For sheer driving pleasure, Chevrolet’s stealing the thunder from the high-priced cars”. The text calls this year’s product the Motoramic Chevrolet and talks about the Turbo-Fire V8 and mentions the transmissions available.

Source:  August 15, 1955 Life magazine.