Good Seasons Ad 1957


Good Seasons Ad from August 1957 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Good Seasons Ad 1957Full color 8 3/4″ x 12″ ad for their Salad Dressing Mix. The ad shows one of their envelopes with live herbs growing from the top while powder is flowing from the bottom into a cruet filled with vinegar, water and oil. The ad headline says that “Variety is the nicest spice in Good Seasons Salad Dressing Mix!” and the ad mentions 6 flavors which are identified as American FrenchOld Fashion FrenchBleu CheeseOld Fashion GarlicExotic Herbs and California French. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  August 1957 Better Homes & Gardens.