Durkee Ad 1947


Durkee Ad from August 1947 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Full color 9″ x 12 1/2″ ad that is for Durkee’s Vegetable Oleomargarine and their Famous Dressings. This ad is divided into two parts, the left side of the ad being for the Oleomargarine and the right side of the ad being for their Famous Dressings. The center of the ad is totally written words by Virginia Coates and is entitled “Better Meals – And Now!”. What she has written about is a recipe for Baked, stuffed fish then she talks about reducing the heat in the kitchen by cooking several foods in the oven at the same time, serving that Golden Corn with lots of Durkee’s Oleomargarine and when planning your pickles and relishes for canning, having your vegetables crisp and fresh, using a good vinegar and spices of top quality. On the left hand side, the Durkee Oleomargarine side, it shows a table set with several plates of corn with a container of Durkee’s Oleomargarine in the front and the text saying “Summer magic – with finer margarine! Delicious meals – when you use Durkee’s Oleomargarine – famous for its mildness, sweetness and freshness. A smooth blend, made of pure vegetable oils churned with fresh pasteurized skim milk. So nutritious – 13,000 units of Vitamin A in every pound. Marvelous in cooking – delightful as a spread. Thrifty, too!” On the right side there is a bottle of Durkee’s Famous Dressing and Meat Sauce surrounded by several dishes filled with different things that you could put this on. For this items, it says “Summer tricks – with zestful dressing! Durkee’s Dressing is so versatile! Enjoy its spirited, tangy flavor on fish, hot or cold; on meat dishes; in cool salads. Combine it with your favorite salad dressing – its a keen mixer! This rich, golden Dressing is made of rare spices – subtly blended, enticingly different!”

Source:  August 1947 Better Homes & Gardens.