Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad 1957


Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad from April 1957 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Ad 1957Full color 9″ x 12″ ad for their Boxed Spaghetti Dinner. There is a tempting picture of a big bowl of spaghetti noodles having spaghetti sauce ladled over it with a bowl of grated cheese sitting ready to be spooned on. The ad headline says “Let a chef from Milan help you with dinner tonight” and there is a smaller picture of an authentic colorful café outside of Rome. The text talks about what you get in the box of ingredients and there is a picture that shows the outside box and the individual packages you will uncover when you opened the box. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  April 1957 Better Homes & Gardens.