Holmes & Edwards Ad 1952


Holmes & Edwards Ad from September 1952 McCall’s.

1 in stock


Holmes & Edwards Ad 1952Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that shows a few of the Silverware Patterns that were available at this time. The headline wonders “Is your ‘teen-ager ashamed of your Silverware?” and suggests to those parents who may have only succeeded in heaping shame on their children for this one fault, to look at the Holmes & Edwards Collections of Silverplate. Shown in this ad are the Danish Princess pattern, the May Queen pattern, the Romance pattern which is New, the Spring Garden pattern and the Lovely Lady pattern. The text gives a sample price of a pattern in Silverplate and compares how much less it is than one in Sterling Silver and mentions the Club Plus terms you can get from your dealer to make the purchase price even better.

Source:  September 1952 McCall’s.