Tussy Ad 1951


Tussy Ad from April 1951 Good Housekeeping.

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Tussy Ad 1951Full color 5″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their Midnight Cosmetics. There is a faint image of a beautiful woman wearing white gloves lifting her arms as, behind her, comes a fairy with an offering of a red rose. The headline mentions “The Magic of Midnight by Tussy and there are several different products shown with prices listed. We see the Midnight Cologne for $1.25, the Midnight Blue Ice Stick Cologne for $1.25, the Midnight Hand and Body Lotion for $1.00, the Midnight Dusting Powder for $1.25 and the Midnight Lipstick Perfume Combination for $1.00. The products may be called Midnight but the ad text offers you magic “from high noon to high moon”.

Source:  April 1951 Good Housekeeping.