Jergens Ad 1956


Jergens Ad from January 9, 1956 Life magazine.

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Jergens Ad 1956Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad the hand lotion that stops ‘detergent hands’. There are two photos in this ad, the first shows a lady pouring Jergen’s Hand Lotion into her hands. The headline says that it is “Now – in a pretty new bottle”. The second photo shows two hands being held up, one bright and shiny and the other touched with red and looking worn. The headline here says Jergens – the lotion that proved it stops “detergent hands”. The text continues by asking “Would you believe it – both those hands were soaked in detergents? But only the right hand was given Jergens Lotion care. Yes, Jergens topped all other lotions tested for stopping “Detergent Hands” when 447 women made this famous “Soak Test”.

Source:  January 9, 1956 Life magazine.