Hathaway Shirts Men’s Clothing Ad 1970


Hathaway Shirts Men’s Clothing Ad from April 1970 Playboy.

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Hathaway Shirts Men’s Clothing Ad 1970Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their Striped Shirts, shirts that the ad indicates were created because of the Ford Maverick. The ad has a picture of two stylish men standing next to a split rail fence and talking to a man who looks to be dressed like a jockey or horse trainer on the other side of the fence. The two men talking to the single man are each wearing striped Hathaway shirts and one has a bow tie and the other a regular knotted tie. In the background of the picture is a horse and, behind that, a horse trailer that has been hauled up by a Ford Maverick. The text talks about the shirts being designed for men that are mavericks themselves, “if only on weekends” and urges you to examine the picture closely because the shirt that one of the men wears has seven colors in it and the other man’s has eight. Then they had to decide on what kind of a collar would go best with these stripes and with the variety of ties being worn in 1970. They created the Dorchester which is considered an English collar and the price for these shirts is $14.00.

Source:  April 1970 Playboy.