George Sanders Heublin Cocktails Ad 1967


George Sanders Heublin Cocktails Ad from February 24, 1967 Life magazine.

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George Sanders Heublin Cocktails Ad 1967Full color 9″ x 13″ ad for Heublein Cocktails. There is a picture of the popular “star of stage, screen and TV” wearing a red coat and staring intently at the camera as he holds an open book in one hand and a glass filled with a Heublein Cocktail in the other. The headline calls them “better than most people make” and the text has him saying “Most people can’t make cocktails this good, and I wish they wouldn’t try”. The ad lists the 14 Kinds that were available at this time and claims they were “Served on leading airlines and railroads”.

Source:  February 24, 1967 Life magazine.